Saturday, August 23, 2008

Thanks Brits, But You Should Have Stayed Longer!

Brits integrated India from thousands of smaller rulers.

They built road system, if they had stayed much longer, India’s connectivity could have been improved a great deal, which is currently in shambles.

Hypothetically if we were not invaded by Britishers, one of the best civilizations in the world, we would have been anyway invaded, may be by other countries, fortunately it was Britishers. Otherwise imagine if it was Chinese, we would have been speaking Mandarin and eating snakes!

Now as we use computers and all modern gadgets, we should thank them for making our lives easier. Starting from how to make a pin to how to build airdromes all technologies are from the west.

They would have strengthened our education system, primary health care, railroads, and all other infrastructure if they had stayed here many more decades.

As we praise our civilization to be greatest in the world, no denying of the fact, the old adage clearly describes "Country gets the Government it deserves" and we are having probably the highest number of murders as our policy makers, “bravo, the great civilization!”, if Britishers stayed a little longer, they would have probably educated the mass about need of cleaner polity.

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